yazar.in - Aykan Hüseynli: The agings in cinema

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Yazar.in | Aykan Hüseynli | The agings in cinema

When I entered the hall there was no anyone. Except them. They loved movie soo much. And to watch the movie too. Therefore, they chosen this work. One of them was uncle Vidadi and the other was aunt Aida. And my name is Aykan. It was the first time that I went to cinema. I knew that, lots of people don't go to the cinema. But I didn't imagine like that.
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Title Yazar.in | Aykan Hüseynli | The agings in cinema
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Keywords cloud time Aida movie cinema watch Vidadi aunt Aykan persons interesting hall film work knew question spoke empty Hüseynli week Uncle
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time 11
Aida 11
movie 9
cinema 7
watch 6
Vidadi 5
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SEO Keywords (Single)

Keyword Occurrence Density
time 11 0.55 %
Aida 11 0.55 %
movie 9 0.45 %
cinema 7 0.35 %
watch 6 0.30 %
Vidadi 5 0.25 %
aunt 5 0.25 %
Aykan 4 0.20 %
persons 4 0.20 %
interesting 4 0.20 %
hall 4 0.20 %
film 4 0.20 %
work 4 0.20 %
knew 3 0.15 %
question 3 0.15 %
spoke 3 0.15 %
empty 3 0.15 %
Hüseynli 3 0.15 %
week 3 0.15 %
Uncle 3 0.15 %

SEO Keywords (Two Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density
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the movie 4 0.20 %
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again and again 2 0.10 % No
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she is with 2 0.10 % No
uncle Vidadi and 2 0.10 % No
I think it 2 0.10 % No
aging and we 2 0.10 % No
our time there 2 0.10 % No

SEO Keywords (Four Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
go to the cinema 3 0.15 % No
was uncle Vidadi and 2 0.10 % No
our time there were 2 0.10 % No
At our time there 2 0.10 % No
she is with me 2 0.10 % No
əsas səhifədaxil olqeydiyyat müəlliflər 1 0.05 % No
love are one dəfə 1 0.05 % No
their love are one 1 0.05 % No
and their love are 1 0.05 % No
Aida and their love 1 0.05 % No
aunt Aida and their 1 0.05 % No
Vidadi aunt Aida and 1 0.05 % No
uncle Vidadi aunt Aida 1 0.05 % No
also Because uncle Vidadi 1 0.05 % No
Because uncle Vidadi aunt 1 0.05 % No
one dəfə oxunub Qiymət 1 0.05 % No
cinemas also Because uncle 1 0.05 % No
Other cinemas also Because 1 0.05 % No
empty Other cinemas also 1 0.05 % No
still empty Other cinemas 1 0.05 % No

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Yazar.in | Aykan Hüseynli | The agings in talkie əsas səhifədaxil olqeydiyyat müəlliflər haqqında kinoteatr facebook rss mobile reklam Nigar Şahsuvarova:Müharibə və ata Samsam Huseynzade:Qəhvə ruha toxunan yeganə içkidir! Muzafferus:Şahmat oyunum Uraqan:Mövzusuz Mövzu Cavidan Hacıyev:Nənə ‹ › Hekayə Şeir Esse Müsahibə Elmi məqalə Ədəbi tənqid Məşhurlar Maraqlı məlumatlar İnşa Digər yazılar Audio kitab Fotoqalereya Menyu The agings in talkie Aykan Hüseynli tərəfindən "Digər yazılar" bolməsinə 23:47 20 iyul 2013 tarixində əlavə olunmuşdur When I entered the hall there was no anyone. Except them. They loved movie soo much. And to watch the movie too. Therefore, they chosen this work. One of them was uncle Vidadi and the other was aunt Aida. And my name is Aykan. It was the first time that I went to cinema. I knew that, lots of people don't go to the cinema. But I didn't imagine like that.Withoutmovie I approached to that old husband - wife, who I could know their names then. Uncle Vidadi rented to present the movies. And aunt Aida is a maid. She sweeps the popcorns from the floor without the sessions. I asked them: -Uncle, here is the empty every time like this? It seems that question influenced him badly. To my mind, my question offended him. -Yes. This is the same as you see for some years. We present the films but nobody comes. During this week only 3 persons came and you are one of them. Really, that's a pity. - That was the same in your youth? - No, dear. At our time there were at least 4 - 5 persons at every session. He said and he began to spoke with aunt Aida: - Do you remember, darling, our first coming to the cinema? - Yeah - she said and she was lost in thoughts... My question took them to 50 years ago... Uncle Vidadi spoke well-nigh the changes till tomorrow. - At our time there were 3D, 5D, 7D so and so. But these were not interesting for us. At first time me and my first lover - Aida came to the movie, which that's name was "The story in the Zoo". That was amazing. Except us there were 3 persons in the hall. See, so... Over time, that number reduced as you see. And now there are only two persons: me and Aida. There is no anyone. Nobody comes to the cinema.Withoutthe finishing the movie I turned it then and again... And we - me and Aida squint the movie. The film, which you looked we have seen four times during this week. Do you imagine? -I think it would be bothersome, yes? May be this is wearisome for others. Anyway this is not good to squint every movie during a week then and again. But thanks for Aida, when I am with her I never bore. If she is with me, I will watch the same mucosa for a thousand times.Consideringshe is with me. But if there is a new movie's premiere we watch it at interest. - And what well-nigh your children? Do you have any children? Why they don't come and watch the movie? - We have 3 children, dear, 2 sons and a daughter. All are art people. One of our sons is producer. Another is a writer. And our daughter is a composer and famous piano player. May be you know her, Khadica. As he said I knew her. Therefore, she is Azerbaijan's famous and honorary piano player. And it is untellable not to recognize her. Then he unfurled to his words: Our children come here rarely. They go to the trips considering of their works. But when they victorious in Baku, they come here at every time. We sit and watch movie together. May be it is funny, but I think it is the weightier thing in the world for me. To watch the mucosa with my family is very, very interesting for me and moreover for Aida. -Do you rented for this work from the beginning? -No, son. I was TV presenter. May be, your parents know me. I had some programs. Aida moreover worked with me. But now we white-haired and we don't hand over that job. At those times every time we planned our white-haired and we were thinking well-nigh that we would do our weightier work and weightier resting too. Now we do our work and we enjoy it. This is our plan from that time and now we are here... The mucosa was not interesting for me as those olds' love. If I didn't recognize them I wouldn't go to the talkie again.Withoutthat time I began to go to the talkie rapidly. But now I didn't be alone. My friends moreover came with me. They took their familiars. And it unfurled like that.Withouta month later the first hall was full and it was difficult to find an empty place. Of course, the reason was uncle Vidadi and aunt Aida. They were the instigators. And I was the first to spoke and to revere to them. That yearning made me to take my familiars to the cinema, exactly. Now everything is very interesting. First hall is full at every time and everybody stands in a queue to buy a ticket for a movie, which it will be presented without 3 days. But that's a pity that other halls are still empty. Other cinemas also. Because, uncle Vidadi, aunt Aida and their love are one...   ... dəfə oxunub Qiymət: 9/10(14 səs) [qiymət ver 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ] Şərh yaz Vüsal Məmmədzadə [21 iyul 2013 00:25] Hekayən ingiliscə də maraqlı alınıb..:) Aykan Hüseynli [27 iyul 2013 21:40] Oxuduğun üçün çox sağ ol :) Sənin sayəndə oldu :) DfbmKSHFiIYvpAnGXU [19 noyabr 2014 06:06] In a meeting real manor loan online cd Dufner came from one when on the final day and sealed with a 2-under 68 for a 10-under total 270 and two-shot win.Withouttapping in for the clinching spectre on No. 18, Dufner prestigious as much as he overly has with a half-clenched biceps, then hugged his wife, Amanda, who would say later, “We unchangingly knew it would happen. 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